tense notes
tense notes
tense notes all type and easy for learn.
1.Parts Of Speech
All the English words are divided into eight groups according their work and use in sentence. Each group is called parts of speech.
अंग्रेजी भाषा के सभी शब्द(Words)को कार्य एवं प्रयोग के हिसाब से आठ भागों में बाँटा गया है | उनमें से प्रत्येक भाग को Parts Of Speech कहते हैं |
ये निम्नलिखित है :-
6.Preposition(संबंधबोधक अव्यय)
7.Conjunction(समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय)
8.Interjection(विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय)
17.Verb Forms
अधिकतर Verbs के पाँच रूप होते है:-का जैसे
V1 Verb का Infinitive Form
जैसे:-go, eat, run, laugh, dance, etc.
V2 Verb का Past Tense Form
जैसे:-went, ate, ran, laughed, etc.
V3 Verb का Past Participle Form
जैसे:-gone, eaten, laughed, broken, etc.
V4 Verb का Present Participle (add ing ) Form
जैसे:-going, eating, running, laughing, breaking, etc.
V5 Verb का -s/es Form
जैसे:-goes, eats, runs, laughs, does, etc.
tense notes in hindi medium student for class 8th to 12th
some examples of verb forms
(V1) abuse(गाली देना ) advise answer arise arrive ask be beat become beg begin bind bless blow break bring build burn buy call carry catch cheat clean climb close come cook creep cry cut dance deal die dig do draw dream drink drive drop dry eat elect enter fall feed feel fight find flee fly foget fry get give go grow hang hang have hear help hide hit hold hope hurt jump keep kill know laugh lead leap learn leave lend live look lose love make marry meet mistake open pay play put quarrel rain reach read remember ride ring rise run say see sell send set show shut sing sink sleep smell speak spend stand start stay steal study swim take talk teach tear tell thank think throw try understand use walk want wash weep win work write
abused advised answered arised arrived asked was beat became begged began bound blessed blew break bring build burn buy call carry catch cheat clean climb close come cook creep cry cut dance deal die dig do draw dream drink drive drop dry eat elect enter fall feed feel fight find flee fly foget fry get give go grow hang hang have hear help hide hit hold hope hurt jump keep kill know laugh lead leap learn leave lend live look lose love make marry meet mistake open pay play put quarrel rain reach read remember ride ring rise run say see sell send set show shut sing sink sleep smell speak spend stand start stay steal study swim take talk teach tear tell thank think throw try understand use walk want wash weep win work write
abused advised answered arised arrived asked been beaten become begged begun bound blessed blow break bring build burn buy call carry catch cheat clean climb close come cook creep cry cut dance deal die dig do draw dream drink drive drop dry eat elect enter fall feed feel fight find flee fly foget fry get give go grow hang hang have hear help hide hit hold hope hurt jump keep kill know laugh lead leap learn leave lend live look lose love make marry meet mistake open pay play put quarrel rain reach read remember ride ring rise run say see sell send set show shut sing sink sleep smell speak spend stand start stay steal study swim take talk teach tear tell thank think throw try understand use walk want wash weep win work write |
abusing advising answering arising arriving asking being beating becoming beging beginning binding blessing blowing break bring build burn buy call carry catch cheat clean climb close come cook creep cry cut dance deal die dig do draw dream drink drive drop dry eat elect enter fall feed feel fight find flee fly foget fry get give go grow hang hang have hear help hide hit hold hope hurt jump keep kill know laugh lead leap learn leave lend live look lose love make marry meet mistake open pay play put quarrel rain reach read remember ride ring rise run say see sell send set show shut sing sink sleep smell speak spend stand start stay steal study swim take talk teach tear tell thank think throw try understand use walk want wash weep win work write |
abuses advises answers arises arrives asks beats becomes begs begins binds blesses blows break bring build burn buy call carry catch cheat clean climb close come cook creep cry cut dance deal die dig do draw dream drink drive drop dry eat elect enter fall feed feel fight find flee fly foget fry get give go grow hang hang have hear help hide hit hold hope hurt jump keep kill know laugh lead leap learn leave lend live look lose love make marry meet mistake open pay play put quarrel rain reach read remember ride ring rise run say see sell send set show shut sing sink sleep smell speak spend stand start stay steal study swim take talk teach tear tell thank think throw try understand use walk want wash weep win work write |
Tense notes all types of tense with structure
Tense:-The forms of verb that denotes/shows weather an action happened in the past happening in present or will happen in the future is called tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य बिते हुए समय में सम्पन हुआ है, वर्तमान समय मे चल रहा है या आने वाले समय मे सम्पन्न होगा, तो उसे Tense कहते है ।
(i) राम गया/गया था। Ram went.
राम जाता है। Ram goes.
राम जाएगा। Ram will go.
(ii) मै जा रहा था। I was going.
मै जा रहा हूँ। I am going.
मै जाता रहूँगा। I shall be going.
There are three kinds of Tense:-
1.Present Tense
2.Past Tense
3.Future Tense
1.Present Tense:- The forms of verb that denotes an action of present time is called present tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे वर्तमान समय मे होने वाले कार्य कलाप का बोध हो, तो उसे Present Tense कहते है ।
There are for kinds of Present Tense:-
(i)Simple Present Tense/ Present Indefinite Tense
(ii)Present Continuous /Progressive /Imperfect Tense
(iii)Present Perfect Tense
(iv)Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(i)Simple Present Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an activity in action in the present time is called Present Indefinite Tense/Simple present Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे वर्तमान समय मे समान्य रूप से हाने वोलाकार्य का बोध हो, तो उसे simple present Tense कहते है ।
Recognition (पहचान ) :- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर ता है / हूँ,ती है / हूँ, ते है / हो इत्यादि रहे तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Simple present Tense मे करते है ।
Structure of the Simple Present Tense | |
Affirmative Sentence
Subject+v¹/v5 +object.
Negative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
Do/Does+Subject+ v1+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-woard+do/does+Subject+ v1+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word +do/does+Subject+not+v1+object+?
(ii) Present Continuous Tense:-A form of verb that denotes an activity going on at the time of speaking, is said to be in Present Continuous Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य कलाप बोलते समय जारी हो, तो उसे Present
Continuous Tense कहते है ।
Recognition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के किया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर रहा है/ हूँ, रही है / हूँ, रहे है / हो इत्यादि हो तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Present Continuous / Progressive / Imperfect Tense मे करते है।
Structure of the Present Continuous Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Subject +is/am/are+v4+object.
Negative Sentence
Subject +is/am/are+not+v4+object.
Interrogative Sentence
Is / Am / Are +Subject + v4+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Is / Am / Are +Subject + not + v4+object+?
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-word+ Is / Am / Are+Subject+v4+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Tense notes all types of tense with structure
(iii) Present perfect Tense :- A form of verb that denotes an activity completed in the present time, which time of completion is not mentioned is called Present perfect Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य वर्तमान समय समाप्त हो चुका है जिसका समय
निश्चित नही हो, उसे Present perfect Tense कहते हैं ।
Recognition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के अंत स्थान पर चुका है/ हूँ चुकी है। हूँ, चुकें है / हो अथवा या है / हो, यी है/हूँ, ये है / हो इत्यादि हो, तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Present perfect Tense मे करते हैं।
Structure of the Present Perfect Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Subject+have/has+v3+object. |
Negative Sentence
Subject+have/has+not+v3+object. |
Interrogative Sentence
Have/Has+Subject+ v3+object+? |
Interrogative Negative Sentence |
Have/Has+Subject+ not+v3+object+?
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-word+ have/has+Subject+ v3+object+? |
Wh – Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word +have/has+Subject+not+v3+object+?
(iv) Present Perfect Continuous Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action which began in the past and stands Continue at the time of speaking is called Present perfect Continuous Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य भूतकाल मे सुरू हुआ हो तथा बोलते समय जारी हो तो उसे Present perfect Continuous Tense कहते है ।
Recognition(पहचान ) :- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर ता रहा है / हूँ, ती रही है / हूँ, ते रहे है/ हो, अथवा रहा है/ हूँ, रही है/हूँ, रहे है/हो इत्यादि के साथ- साथ भूतकालिन समय सूचक शब्द हो तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Present perfect Continuous Tense करते हैं।
Structure of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Subject +have/has+been+v4+object+since/for +Time. |
Negative Sentence
Subject+have/has+not+been+v4+object+since/for+Time. |
Interrogative Sentence
Have/Has+Subject+ been+v4+object+since/for+Time+? |
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Have/Has+Subject+not+been+v4+object+since/for+Time+? |
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-word+have/has+Subject+been+v4+object+since/for+Time+? |
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word+have/has+Subject+not+been+v4+object+since/for+Time+? |
2.Past Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action In the past time is said to be in past tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य कलाप बीते हुए समय में संपन हुआ था या हो रहा था तो उसे Past Tense कहते है |
There are for kinds of Past Tense:-
(i)Simple Past Tense/ Past Indefinite Tense
(ii)Past Continuous /Progressive /Imperfect Tense
(iii)Past Perfect Tense
(iv)Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(i)Simple Past Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an activity done in the past time is called Simple past Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य कलाप बीते हुए समय मे समान्य रूप से संपन हो चूका है , तो उसे Simple past Tense कहते है ।
Recogination(पहचान ) :- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर ता था / ती थी / ते थे अथवा या था / यी थी / ये थे /आ था / इ थी / ए थे अथवा या / यी / ये /आ / इ / ए इत्यादि हो तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Simple past Tense में करते है|
Structure of the Simple Past Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Subject+v2 + object.
Negative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
Did+Subject+ v1+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-woard+did+Subject+ v1+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
(ii)Past Continuous Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action going on for some time in the past is called Past Continuous Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य कलाप बीते हुए समय मे कुछ समय के लिए जरी हो तथा समय उपस्थित न हो ,तो उसे Past Continuous Tense कहते है|
Recoginition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के किया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर रहा था / रही थी / रहे थे इत्यादि हो तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Past Continuous Tense मे करते है।
Structure of the Present Continuous Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Negative Sentence
Subject+ was/were+not+v4+object.
Interrogative Sentence
Was/ Were+Subject + v4+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Was / Were+Subject + not + v4+object+?
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-word+ was/were +Subject+v4+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word+ was/were +Subject+not+v4+object+?
(iv)Past Perfect Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action completed in the past time,one earlier and the another later on,is said to be in Past Perfect Tense.
दो क्रिया वाला संयुक्त वाक्य जिसका एक क्रिया पहले तथा दूसरी क्रिया बाद में हुई थी का बोध हो,तो उसे Past Perfect Tense कहते है|
Rule of making translation Past Perfect Tense:-
- Past Perfect Tense में पहले समाप्त हुई कार्य का अनुवाद Past Perfect Tense में किया जाता है तथा बाद में समाप्त हुई कार्य का अनुवाद Simple Past Tense में किया जाता है तथा दोनों के बिच Before या After का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Simple Past Tense
Subject + had + v3 + object. |
Past Perfect Tense
Subject + v2 + object. |
Note:-इस में Negative Sentence , Interrogative Sentence और Wh- Interrogative Sentence नही होता है ,केवल Affirmative Sentence होता है |
- जब Past Perfect Tense में Before (के पहले ) का प्रयोग हुआ हो तब Past Perfect Tense का अनुवाद पहले होगा तथा Simple Past Tense का अनुवाद बाद में होगा |
- जब Past Perfect Tense में After (के बाद ) का प्रयोग हुआ हो तब Simple Past Tense का अनुवाद पहले होगा तथा Past Perfect Tense का अनुवाद बाद में होगा |
(iv)Past Perfect Continuous Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action which was going on in the past time,is called Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे यह व्यक्त हो कि कोई कार्य बीते हुए समय में कुछ समय के लिए जरी हो,तो उसे Past Perfect Continuous Tense कहते है |
Recoginition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के किया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर ता रहा था / ती रही थी / ते रहे थे अथवा रहा था / रही थी / रहे थे इत्यादि के साथ- साथ भूतकालिन समय सूचक शब्द हो तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Past Perfect Continuous Tense में करते है।
Structure of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense | |
Affirmative Sentence
Subject+had+been+v4+object+since/for +Time. |
Negative Sentence
Subject+had+not+been+v4+object+since/for +Time. |
Interrogative Sentence
Had +Subject+ been+v4+object+since/for +Time+? |
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Had+Subject+not+been+v4+object+since/for +Time+? |
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-word+had+Subject+been+v4+object+since/for +Time+? |
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word+had+Subject+not+been+v4+object+since/for +Time+? |
3.Future Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action of future time is called Future Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे आने वाले समय में होने वाले कार्य कलाप का बोध हो ,तो उसे Future Tense कहते है |
There are for kinds of Future Tense:-
(i)Simple Future Tense/ Future Indefinite Tense
(ii) Future Continuous /Progressive /Imperfect Tense
(iii) Future Perfect Tense
(iv) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(i)Simple Future Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action of future time is said to be in Simple Future Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे आने वाले समय में समान्य रूप से होने वाले कार्य कलाप का बोध हो ,तो उसे Simple Future Tense कहते है |
Recognition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर गा / गे / गी इत्यादि रहे तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Simple Future Tense में करते है ।
Structure of the Simple Future Tense | |
Affirmative Sentence
Subject +shall/will+v¹ +object.
Negative Sentence
Subject+ shall/will+not+v¹+object.
Interrogative Sentence
Shall/Will+Subject+ v1+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh-woard+ shall/will+Subject+ v1+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word+ shall/will+Subject+not+v1+object+?
(ii) Future Continuous Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action which will beginning future time and will be going on for some is called Future Continuous Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे आने वाले समय में शुरू होगा तथा कुछ समय के लिए जरी होगा तो उसे Future Continuous Tense कहते है |
Recognition (पहचान):- जिस हिन्दी वाक्य के क्रिया के अंत में या ना के स्थान पर ता रहूँगा / ती रहूंगी / ते रहेंगे / ता रहेगा / ती रहेगी / ते रहोगे इत्यादि रहे तो उस हिन्दी वाक्य का अनुवाद Future Continuous Tense में करते है ।
Structure of the Simple Future Tense
Affirmative Sentence
Subject +shall/will+be+v4+object.
Negative Sentence
Subject+ shall/will +not+ be+v4+object.
Interrogative Sentence
Shall/Will +Subject+ be+ v4+object+?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Shall/Will +Subject +not+ be+v4+object+?
WH- Interrogative Sentence
Wh- woard + shall/will +Subject+ be+ v4+object+?
Wh-Interrogative Negative Sentence
Wh-word+ shall/will+ Subject +not+ be+v4+object+?
(iii) Future Perfect Tense:- A form of verb that denotes an action which will be completed by a certain time in the future time is called Future Perfect Tense.
क्रिया का वह रूप जिससे आने वाले समय में निश्चित उसे Future Continuous Tense कहते ह
tense notes for all students.
more added soon…………………………….
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